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How It Got Started

The Full Story

What is it that fuels Posture Speaks? I was tired! Bad posture is noticeable to the eye. In my case, my bad posture was noticeable in my spirit. I was okay mentally while sinking spiritually and physically. At 25 years of age, I realized that I didn’t know myself. I realized that I did not love myself. I was tired! As I began to seek after God I found my passion. Posture Speaks is fueled by faith, writing about my passion for Christ, breaking down the word for understanding and application, and sharing my testimony with others.

Posture Speaks is truly my passion project, gaining more and more purpose each day. I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you as well. Let’s adjust our posture together. Read on and enjoy!

About: About
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